How Nursing Can Maintain Its Caring Posture Despite Growing Demands


Nursing care is a profession that focuses on caring for human beings. As a caring profession, nurses are expected to be aware of competing demands on their services and continuity of care. However, nursing care is a highly technical profession and the various methods employed to provide care may obscure the reality. Fortunately, there are several ways that nursing can maintain its caring posture despite the increasing technical nature of nursing care.

Competing demands for nursing care

There is no single answer to the competing demands for nursing care. Demand for nursing services will always fluctuate, as will supply. Nurses must be able to plan their workforce accordingly. This requires examining the environment in which they work. Orientation programs, mentoring, and preceptor programs are important to attracting and retaining qualified nurses. Unfortunately, many facilities have been forced to eliminate these programs during reorganization, but now many are working to revive them.

Nurses often have to care for patients outside of their work hours. This can lead to burnout and exhaustion. In addition to this, nurses often need to care for their own family. This stress may cause them to neglect other care responsibilities. During pandemics, nurses may experience a staff shortage.

Nurses must work with other healthcare providers and hospital administration. The demands on nursing staff can impact patient care and operating costs. It can even cause nursing staff burnout, which leads to poor patient outcomes. High workloads can also reduce job satisfaction, resulting in high turnover of nursing staff.

Goals of nursing interventions

When developing nursing interventions, you must determine the specific goals and expected outcomes for each one. Typically, there are short-term and long-term goals. The former are expected to be achieved within a few hours, and the latter over a few days, weeks, or months. In a nursing intervention, these goals should be clearly stated and sequentially written. They set boundaries for when the goal will be met, and they will help you plan your interventions accordingly.

The ultimate goal of nursing interventions is the safety of the patient. Nurses can offer emotional support to patients, provide advice on therapy, and advocate for the patient’s needs. Moreover, they may use their training to identify patients who are in less than optimal psychosocial states. By assessing their patients’ psychosocial state, nurses may be able to make recommendations for therapy and reduce the incidence of certain diseases.

The ICF Core Set categories are particularly relevant for rehabilitation nursing. By linking nursing interventions to ICF categories, nurses can easily analyze the effectiveness of nursing interventions and improve inter-professional communication. In addition, it helps nurses respect patients’ rights and needs, which are paramount for patient-centered care.

Impact of nursing diagnoses

Nursing diagnoses have a great potential to predict patient and organisational outcomes. However, more high-quality research is needed to understand these relationships. By systematic use of nursing diagnoses in clinical practice and sharing high-quality data, the nursing profession can increase its contributions to healthcare outcomes. To better understand this phenomenon, we evaluated the available nursing literature and assessed its methodological quality.

Nursing diagnoses are a common tool for nursing care and support nurses’ autonomy. They are based on the reasons why a patient was admitted to a hospital and what problems they experienced during their hospital stay. Originally, diagnoses were divided into two major groups: urgent and planned. These categories reflect the different types of hospitalisation, and are therefore helpful in predicting the length of stay.

In order to make a nursing diagnosis, a nurse must review all available data. This includes both subjective and objective findings, including narrative notes from patient interviews and lab results. Nurses may also have to consult other health professionals, such as family members, to gather more information. If the data is incomplete, it can make it difficult to draw a correct diagnosis. The best way to overcome this problem is to conduct a thorough assessment of the patient’s condition, including a detailed medical history. It is also crucial to make all test results easily available for review.

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