While walking with a wheelchair, there are certain safety tips to remember. Avoid slippery surfaces, steep inclines, and puddles. These factors can cause your wheelchair to tip over. It’s also important to avoid large bags and excessive stretching. Also, certain types of wheelchairs are not suitable for outdoor use.
Avoiding wet surfaces
Avoiding wet surfaces is a crucial safety precaution for wheelchair users. Wet surfaces can cause wheelchairs to slide and cause an accident. It is also important to go around wet areas at a slower pace. You should also have your wheelchair inspected before traveling so that it is in excellent condition. If there are any minor problems, you should contact a wheelchair service to have them fixed.
If you have to walk through wet areas, take small steps and keep your feet pointed outward. It is important to concentrate on the surface to avoid slipping. You may also want to keep your hands out for balance. In addition, it is important to check whether electrical currents are grounded or insulated. You may also want to consider installing floor mats in wet areas. If you’re not sure how to go about it, call a risk consultant to find out more about the best solutions for your facility. It is important for everyone to work together to make your space as safe as possible.
Avoiding steep inclines
Avoiding steep inclines is a key element of wheelchair safety. This type of terrain presents special challenges for wheelchair users. Taking advantage of your wheelchair’s natural downhill-turning tendency can minimize these problems. Leaning forward can enhance this tendency, and help you to make downhill turns more easily. Practice on a slope you are comfortable with and try it out at different incline levels.
Steep inclines can pose a risk for wheelchair users who have weak trunk muscles. You should take care not to stop suddenly and use handrails when available.
Avoiding slippery surfaces
When using a wheelchair, it is important to avoid any surface that is prone to slipperiness. The ADA recommends minimizing slipperiness by limiting the number of changes in level or openings in the floor surface. However, the standards do not address the overall smoothness of the surface. Rough and textured surfaces make it difficult for a wheelchair user to maneuver and can cause a wheelchair to tip over.
Another common cause of wheelchair slips is driving the wheelchair too fast. Wheelchair users are prone to falls and should use a handrail to help them navigate steps and curbs. Steering the wheelchair through steep or angled surfaces is a challenge and should only be done with the assistance of a healthcare professional. If possible, use ramps or designated disabled elevators to travel from one level to the next.
Avoiding puddles
Water puddles pose a great danger to wheelchairs. They can develop anywhere, at any time. However, it’s especially important for wheelchair users to avoid crossing deep puddles. If they must go through a shallow puddle, they should do so slowly.
In addition to avoiding puddles, wheelchair users should also be aware of the weather. Heavy rain or precipitation makes the ground slippery and wheelchairs are especially vulnerable to tipping.
Avoiding caster flutter
A wheelchair’s casters are an essential part of its stability. They allow wheelchair users to achieve a variety of positions and achieve balance. As a result, it is important for wheelchair users to learn about the proper sitting and bending postures for wheelchairs. To avoid caster flutter, wheelchair users should keep these tips in mind.
First, ensure the wheelchair’s casters are properly aligned. If not, caster flutter can cause a wheelchair to tip over or veer sideways. If caster flutter is a regular occurrence, it’s important to get it checked out immediately. If you have an electric wheelchair, it’s especially important to check the casters on a regular basis to ensure they are working properly.
Avoiding stairs
Using stairs can be challenging for a wheelchair user. To make a stair trip safer, it is important to position the wheelchair next to a stair. Then, the wheelchair user can transfer to a sitting position on the second or third step. To help with the transfer, the wheelchair user should use the stair handrail, which is usually located at the end of each step.
The best way to safely navigate stairs is by using a wheelchair-powered stair climber with tracks. These devices work by raising or lowering the tracks on either side. When a wheelchair user passes through, the rubber grips on the tracks hook onto the steps above. The small support wheels at the top help prevent the wheelchair from tipping over. They also let the wheelchair user see the steps below.